Radio Mileva - opusteno i neobavezno Opušteno


once upon a time there was mister man who fought he was something special...
But without the word specially useless, he was nothing, and with it, he was nothing with something that gives him more nothing....

Mr. MAN had only maiden one choice in his life, he wanted to become a criminal mastermind... But he forgot why he wanted that, but still, it was a good plan,or maybe not....

For the start he had to find a gang and spread his "terror" trough the streets of his metropolis, a village hidden somewhere in Africa.

So he started making his "bloodthirsty gang". There were:

Ching- The one who eats McDonalds every day, with extra ketchup.
Lilly- A ten year old girl who defeated countless armies of the....ant force.
Big- The one who spent his whole life collecting comic books, he knew all about comic criminals...
Lola- A pocket PC, a digital mastermind=more clever than those three together, but she couldn't talk....

After Mr. MAN made his perfect criminal gang it was time to show the world their new ''emperor''. There first crime scene was in a... library.. after taking some books they left the town... the books were never seen again, because Big saw that they aren't comic books and through them out of the window....

After hours and hours of searching trough a mine field the saw burned parts of the books..

Mr. MAN: ....Big.... what happened to the books?!
Big: Hmmm.... we are in a explosive mine field, so maybe a rain of wire burned them. It's the only logical explanation.
-Wouldn't it be much more obvious that you rough them on a mine???
-My explanation is much more logical...
-I saw it in a book, books never lie!
-.........*idiot* are a mastermind Big! Let's go back to the car...
-But we are on a mine field...
-I @#$& hate you!
-Hey, where are the others?
-I told them to go to the village because it's deadly to stay in a snake territory....
-Omg....ww-hhee-rre-ee i-ss tt-hee cc-ar?...
-I gave them the keys, so don't worry, no one's gonna use that car...
-Why me, WHY ME? ....hey Big...
-SHUT THE @$#%& UP!


Marko Wolf


Mr. MAN part II- (un)serious

Another day passes in the small village hidden somewhere in Africa.

But the gang left the village. They were preparing for the histories biggest bank robbery...
They entered the bank... but only mr. MAN and Ching, the rest was in a game station. After mr. MAN pulled the gun Ching got confused, his gun was in his pants...he touched it...and because mr. MAN was shouting he got scarred and.....

-AAAAAAAA!! I shot my @#!#$%! OH MY GOD....
Mr. MAN-...........



My &**#$ hurts like $#@$%

-No...noo....nooooooo!!(mr. man shoots a bullet and the security camera falls on his head....his gun shot another bullet and....)-MY LEG!!! AAAAAA!OOOO!!UUUU!!!

After "leaving the bank" the two master criminals met with the a hospital....

Lilly- Oh no, you two were fighting against the FBI? You are half dead, what madman did this to you?

Mr. MAN- Well.....the FBI was opening a bank account and saw us so they used their...their....

Ching- Lasers and cannons do something bad to us...

Big- did ya read the news... look at this...(starts to read); Two armed criminals tried a "bank robbery" in the city museum...

Mr. MAN- NOOOO!!!!!

Big- after one of the criminals shot himself, the second one started to panic and was knocked out by a security camera, after shooting his leg the two criminals jumped trough the window on an unregistered car.... police is reporting to have seen one of the criminals dancing in a mine field with an abnormally big man next to him...

Ching- A mine field, is that where you demolished the car??


Mr. MAN- How is this possible... i must be dreaming.... a museum???? Impossible..impossible...

Lilly- But there is a lighter side: you two are now the two most famous...criminals... in the whole world.. You were on TV too...

Ching- was i looking good?


Ching- did you bring me something from Mc'Donalds Lilly?

Marko Wolf


Danas sluzim čokoladice uz kafu

ko ne voli penu, sam neka skine slobodno.


Veliko ciscenje

Veli majra meni moramo da napravimo veliko čišćenje. Ma okani me se.

Hajde, hajde, mileva ima sedamdeset strana, moramo. Ma reko pusti me, ženo.

Hajde ja sam navukla radnu uniformu, hajde spremaj se i ti zasuči rukave pa da čistimo. I šta ću, priznajem da sam slab sam uniforme, pa moram.

I tako sredismo malo Radio Milevu.


Site Admin

Predlog u vezi Dana zbunjenih

Predlazem da Dan zbunjenih traje 365 dana. Toliko od mene, jer sam zaista zbunjen trenutno. A ako se usvoji ovaj amandman, moj predlozeni, onda cemo to da proslavimo. Napomena mala: ja vec slavim pobedu na izborima!

buntovnik bez razloga

Prijatelj foruma

Čokolada goji... pa šta?!

Uz nju se vežu trenuci slasnog i strasnog uživanja, čokolada je sigurno učestvovala u radjanu mnogih ljubavi, ali je i sama postala obožavana. Kada mi neko kaže da "topi" čokoladu na nepcu, ja ga odmah volim 8) sigurna da ispred mene stoji srdačna i velikodušna osoba.

Sutra kada krenete u market po hleb častite sebe jednim "Juhu", uživat ćete stostruko jer, dok je tražite ponavljate "Juhu, Juhu gde si", kada je pružite devojci na kasi, opet kažete uz osmeh "Juhu", kada je kušate eto opet u glavi "mmm... Juhu", pa čak i kada se oslobadjate ambalaže "bacate" još jedan "Juhu" u svest. I tako... novi dan juhuuu :D


Site Admin

Kafa vas uci kako se uziva u ljubavi!

lagano dotaknite
oprezno prinesite usnama
taknite rub i pustite neka dah struji
ogledajte se u odrazu
upijajte slast dusom.


Site Admin

Pantomima je umetnost tišine

Mi poznajemo formu pročišćenu od govora čiji je rodonačelnik Etien Dekrua. U okviru ove umetnosti pokreta razlikuju se dva uzražajna oblika:

- pantomima (panto - sve) kojom se auditorijumu prenosi priča iz svakodnevnice pokretima ekstermiteta i mimikom pri čemu glumci koriste bele maske

- mima (mimos-podražavanje) kojom se konfliktne situacije i emocije bez priče donose auditorijumu pri čemu lice nije našminkano

Istraživanja sprovedena u San Francisku su pokazala da izražavanje osećanja mimikom lica nešto što su ljudi stekli evolucijom. Izraz lica kojim izražavamo ili skrivamo emocije je zapisana u našim genima, mimika se ne uči od okoline tokom života. Mimika lica je značajna komponenta u neverbalnoj komunikaciji.


Site Admin

Po dogovoru

niko650: Drva, Maxooo posalji jedan kamion,
može i kod Mileve,
samo da budu isečena,
pratiću muža da ih podigne.

Kako smo se dogovorile, evo istog dana sam zasukala rukave, arhipop je bio tu da nadgleda radove i kupi sekiru kad se stara istupila, a sandrinu moram da pohvalim sama se ponudila i sa zadovoljstvom pomogla da se ova drva nacepaju.

Mada, svega ovoga ne bi bilo, da mi majra i gale sinoć ne obezbediše kamion za transpotr, marke Resize (ako nekoga zanima marka kamiona).

Max, sreco moja, ljubi te majka

Ne znam kako da se zahvalim i tebi i svima ucesnicima u akciji:
"Spasavanje jednog premrzlog clana Inter-CAFFEa"

Kamion je odlican, stigao na vreme.

A muz mi veliki domacin i odmah je to lepo sredio i evo i sad se grejemo i bas nam je lepo.

Neznam kako da se zahvalim, al se iskreno nadam da cu uskoro imati priliku da vam se zahvalim za ovo sto ste ucinili za mene.

Volim vas sve.



Za Sandrinu

Bilo je smeha i vristanja, odavno se i ja nisam smejala tako kao dete.
Hvala svima koji su na forumu pisali o decijim zanimacijama, moram priznati da sam se i ja igrala. Evo smesnih facaURL=][/URL]
za sandrinu.

