Govor srca i duse - razgovor sa Markom Umetnost

rollin' like a bag

on a beautiful day..... with beautiful weather, a man was walking down a road...
a bag was rolling next to him.

The man says hello to the bag. But the bag keeps rolling...
The man tries it again, but it's no use. The bag keeps ignoring him...
After a few more seconds of walking and talking to the rolling bag, an explosion destroyed the nearest mountain... just next to the man...

The bag started rolling to the mountain, and the man was still following it.
After the bag was gone behind a rock, the man started running after it, and so he fell on a giant construction......

Below him was the bag... He fell on it, and the bag screamed!
The other bags started rolling to the man, and shooting him with rotten meat and stinking sandwiches.

The man was shocked, but he realized that those bags weren't friendly. He started running, looking at the bags behind him... he crushed into a rock.

But actually that was a huge bag.... The man was crushed by the bag, and than all the other bags jumped on him too... sooo maany rotten old sandwiches and food.....AAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

He woke up just before the huge bag dropped a wheel on his face... He looked around... he was in his tent, and next to him.. was his bag...

He started laughing and hitting the bag, and when he finished, he started smelling something rotten..flesh..old sandwiches....?
He gone out to check it out, and then he got a meat chunk in his face..
By removing it he saw thousands of bags around his tent... Then, his own bag came out and said.... do you want more sugar honey? AAAAAAA!!!

He was finally awake in his own bed.... what's the matter sweetheart? he turned around.. AAAAAAAA!!!!!

Marko Wolf


The desert

In an endless desert a voice travels like the wind that blows the little sand corns of time.

The voice grows more powerful as the sand of time flows into the endless desert of eternity.
The desert isn't lifeless. In it's center the sand flows trough the ancient sand clock, on which bottom lies one seed.
It grows for ever, but it never grows beyond it's time. A seed planted by the Gods, choosen by the tree of life, it is the seed of time, the guardian of the past, the keeper of knowledge.

Still it's presence travels trough the infinite desert, counting and watching over the sand corns, and feeling the pain, love and hatred of the forgotten.

The seekers of the great beast still are searching trough it's ancient past, trying to find the masters memmory, and destroy it, fr it holds the love and patience, the will to protect the mortal realms.

The masters only weakness lies burryed in the past, deep in his soul, in the desert of time. His minions will for ever try to find it, but the guardian of time blows the corns trough his un ending breath, leaving the seeking wretched souls lost in the deeps, of an endless memmory.

The knowledge to the future lies in the past, the greatest power, the knowledge that holds the ultimate key to the realm of gods, is just one corn, in the endless deeps, of time.

Not even the guardian himself, will ever find it, because he..... is the key.... to the truth.

And if you listen carefully, you can still hear the madness and the pain of the master saying...... find it...... IT BELONGS TO ME!

Marko Wolf


Time is a curse, or isn't it

Smrtnici smo, jer je nasa dusa vezana za stubove emocija, ali lanci koji nas drze, su vrijeme.
Na kraju ce oni sami sebe unistiti, oslobadjajuci nas za sile koje nas drze u svijetu smrtnika.

Ali biti ''mortal'' kako ja volim da kazem, nije kazna, niti prokletstvo. Ne, to je dar, dar koji vise nikada necemo okusiti. To je prilika, prilika koju nikada necemo vise imati. Ljubav sreca, tuga, mrznja, pohlepa... vrijeme ih stvara, vrijeme ih odnosi u bujici misli... jer mi smo ovdje i sada, da bi nas dar koristili i uculi...

Sledeci stepen nas oslobadja od misli, od emocija, od vremena, ali ne i od znanja... To je dokaz da u nasem putu stvorenim od ''Bogova'' nema manipulacija...osim... izdajnik, nekadasnji cuvar bogova, vladar vremena, izdao je svoje gospodare i utopio stari svijet u mrznji i pohlepi za moci... njegova vizija je zudnja za moci, i on je pruza drugima, cineci ih slugama svojih snova, svoje jedne, poslednje, i vijecne, zelje...

Rat ce poceti, razbuktace se u smrtnim svijetovima pod manipulacijom velike zveri, sluge izdajnika, ako smrtnici ne uvide iluziju i lazi, svijet ce se ugusiti u sopstvenoj krvi... a sledeci korak je unistenje visih stupnjeva...

Rat dolazi, mi ga necemo primjetiti, niti saznati njegov pravi cilj i potencijal... Promjene dolaze, dolazi smrt i unistenje... da li cemo se boriti, ili cekati smrt odluka je nase casti i morala... jer vrijeme je varka, orudje izdajnika da zavadi... pa vlada... da li vam to zvuci poznato?

''Zavadi, pa vladaj'' taktika njemackih okupatora, pod vodjstvom Adolfa Hitlera...

Kao sto rekoh, necemo nikada saznati pravi podsticaj i cilj rata... ali ono sto mozemo... je da se borimo... i dokazemo... da smo smrtnici koji imaju vise... i mogu vise... od svih sluga i manipulisanih vojnika iz bezvremenskog svjeta izmedju dimenzija!

Dokazimo sta se krije u nama, borimo se za Ljubav, za slobodu, a onda ce mir doci...

Marko Wolf


Hoh, hoh, hoh

Tokom jedne hladne zimske veceri, kog je njegova majka pripremala veceru, a otac zaspao gledajuci svoje tajne erotske filmove, mali Majkl je sjedao uz kamin, posmatrajuci uzbudljivu igru vatre, dok su mu se oci lagano zaklapale...

Sporo je tonuo u dubok san... ali ga je probudio zestok udarac u prozor!
Cuvsi da je veca kolicina snijega pala na tome mjestu, Majkl je potrcao i obrisao maglu sa prozora jednim od magazina svoga oca, erotski kao i uvijek... taman kada je obrisao prozor... ALJANJAMALJANJA!!!... Djecak je pobjegao iza sofe, posmatrajuci tu rugobu na staklu...

I gle cuda, na prozoru je bila prilijepljena faca iskezenog bradatog deke u crvenom odjelu... sa isplazenim jezikom, spljostenim kao i njegov nos, dekino lice je visilo na prozoru, dok je on... mumlajuci... pokusavao da odlijepi svoje zamrznuto lice.

-Oh, ko ste vi???
-Nemajte brige, pomoci cu vam, samo zacas!

I protrcavsi pored dnevnog boravka u kome je dremao njegov tata, uzviknuo je:
-Idem vani na trenutak da odlijepim lice od covjeka koji se prikucao o nas prozor, u redu? I dalje dremajuci, njegov otac protrlja oci, mumlajuci...
-S'a, aham... da, da... moze... jeste jeste, da duso... smece je vani...

Istrcavsi, uhvatio je deku za kuk i poceo da vuce i posle par minuta, dekino lice se popnulo od prozora, dok se pod zanosom, njegovo tijelo prevrnulo, poklopivsi decka duboko u snijeg...

Dekica se brzo ustao i nestao u sumi... krosnje obliznjeg drveca su zasustale, dok je leteci objekat nestao u gustoj zimskoj magli...

Djecak je zacudjeno trazeci dekicu pogledom, otisao u kucu da isprica svoju pricu ocu.

-Tata, tata! Na nas prozor se slupao deda mraz... i... i... Ja sam istrcao vani da mu pomognem sa njegovim licem, imao je... - djecak je plazio svoj jezik, sirio zube u nekakav cudan osmijeh, i gnjecio svoj nos put usta da bi docarao svom ocu dogadjaj...

Poslije nekoliko sekundi cudjenja, otac ga je upitao: - Je li to onaj snesko koga si juce napravio... dobro za mrkvu... ali kad si mu stavio jezik? I ko ga je priljepio za prozor??? Aha!!! TO JE ONAJ NAS KOMSIJA PONOVO RANDALISAO!!! E VIDECE ON SVOGA BOGA VECERAS!!!

Majka je uletjela u sobu gledajuci u Majkla. - Sta si sad opet uradio sine?

- Marry, uzmi svoju masku i bijelu jaknu, idemo kod komsije...
- Ma ne opet dragi! Svake godine moramo da mu uzvracamo! Sto jednostavno ne posustanes i prestanes da kipu njegovog oca oblacis onu groznu haljinu!
- Ali to je haljina tvoje majke...
- Znala sam!!

I dok se razgovor nastavljao, Majkl je otisao u krevet zamisljajuci isplazeno lice Deda Mraza, na svome prozoru... i dajle mu je u usima odzvanjalo... NJANJEMLJULJIKLJA... i sa osmijehom na licu je zaspao...

Marko Wolf


The warrior

Rat je ispoljavanje misli koristeci masivnu manipulaciju i fizicku silu.

Rat je nacin da jedna grupa osoba, sa svojim leader-om ostvari svoju misao o vlasti..
Ali... moral je nesto sto se mora osvojiti, moral je izvor manipulacije, jer naredba uzima svoju moc iz morala sluge.

Vodje shvataju moral kao djelotvorno oruzje koje se mora ostriti i podmazivati, cuvati i cistiti... sve u svemu.. moral je veliki rizik.
Ako se pojavi osoba koja pruza vise, koja ima bolju iluziju, moral umire, i novo sjeme se radja na plodnoj zemlji cije je djubrivo proslost.

Vojska se sastoji od vise hiljada vojnika, znaci ljudi, pa cak i zivotinja npr. konja itd...
Ali, sta ako bar jedan od njih pocne da razmislja, da formira svoje misljenje... da shvata da to nije njegov cilj, da je on samo jedan od hiljadu, da ce umrijeti, ne ucinivsi nista vazno, ne doprinjevsi nicemu. Njegova misao je napad unutar zidina morala, i siri se velikom brzinom ulivajuci strah, nepouzdanje, i gubitak moci....

Na kraju slijedi raspad i smrt..... Niko ih nece postovati, jer su oni samo sluge... jure tudje snove, umiru pod tudjom zudnjom. Na kraju ostaju zaboravljeni, uguseni u borbi svoga uma protiv parazita tudje misli.

U ratu postoji samo jedan pobjednik, a to je vodja.... svi su ostali izgubili, jer su prodali svoj razum, uzivali u prolicu krvi, i razorili time jedan dio sebe...

Na kraju, u ratu postoji samo jedan pobjednik, a to je zudnja, sjeme razora i bijesa koje je odabralo jednu osobu... i pruzilo joj ukus moci....

Poslije toga biljka ludila ce da uvene, jer je stvorila neplodnu zemlju.... unistavajuci druge... odvela je i sebe u propast, zajedno sa svim ostalima...

Ali ce je gospodar nagraditi, jer je to sijeme doprinjelo razvijanju gospodareve vizije univerzuma, i oslabilo vjeru bogova u smrtni svijet....

Marko Wolf


Misao koja zivi, zelja koja putuje-CHAPTER ONE

U jednom malom trgovackom selu, sunce svoj topli pogled obliva na neokaljan svijet u bezvremenoj dimenziji vatre...

Dok putujuci karavani donose mirise tropskih biljaka i zacina sa zapada, na sjeveru se siri miris svjeze ispecenog mesa... Da, to je samo jos jedan od mnogih bezbriznih dana...

Djeca su, kao i uvijek, ispratili svoje oceve u lov i poceli da se igraju po ulicama obliveni svijetloscu sunca cije su zrake odbijali blistavi kamencici, a ponekad se tu i tamo u kratkoj travi mogao pronaci po koji novcic ili cak neki od mnogih predmeta koji ispadnu iz drvenih kolica ciji se dolazak, zbog urlika koji su ispustali razna cudesna bica, mogao lako predvidjeti.

Trgovci su se okupljali ispod krpenih i koznih krovova raznih standova nudeci narodu tek pristigle namirnice i razne dragocijenosti skupih cijena... Pored sve te vike i dalje se mogao cuti po neki velikas koji je svoje misicave i iskusne ljude pozurkivao sa prenosenjem razlicitih teskih predmeta iz karavanskih kolica...

Njihova lica su pokazivala napor dok su velikom brzinom grabili i premjestali kutije pod stalnim zamjerkama njihovog gazde.

Ljudi su dolazili setajuci izmedju raznolikih standova, dok je cak i po koji lopov pokusavao da zgrabi po neki dijamant, ili par od mnogih sitnih vockica koje su trgovci bezbrizno usipavali u velike cinije nudeci ih kupcima koje su ponekad grabili za rame da bi ih dovukli do svojih standova...

Brisuci znoj sa svoga cela, buckasti kavaljer je svijetlucao kao vitez, ali je umjesto oklopa bio pod pritiskom svoga nakita koji je neravnomijerno bio rasporedjen po njegovom tijelu... Sada vec promuklim glasom, i dalje je vikao na svoje radnike koji su pokusavali da na razne nacine rijetke i prekrasne, ali i veoma krupne zivotinje uguraju u ogromni kavez u centru pijace. Bronzane resetke reflektovale su sunceve zrake ubadajuci njima oci znatizeljnog naroda koji je sa strahopostovanjem posmatrao hranjenje novopridoslih zivotinja monstruoznih razmijera i oblika.

Strazar na kapiji je duboko udahno, najavljujuci da ce da dune u svoj rog, sto je predstavljalo pocetak popodneva... Svi su bili toliko preokupirani trgovinom, da nisu ni primjetili dolazak jos jednog malog karavana, cije su zapregnute zveri sa svojim divljim pogledom prelazili preko sela, dok su im uzde vodile ka blijedim rukama kocijasa pod sivim ogrtacem... karavan je sporo prilazio...

Jedan od djecaka ga je primjetio, i dok su drugi nastavili da se igraju ne interesujuci se za nove trgovce, djecak je sa zabrinutim izrazom na licu brzo potrcao sa ulice sakrivsi se iza nekoliko cupova do vrha napunjenih vodom.
Zveri koje su vukle prve kocije, zastale su njuseci i gledajuci pud cupova... osoba pod ogrtacem je povukla uzde i posmatrajuci kapu koja je virila iza cupova, nastavio svoj put ka pijaci...

*To be continued.

Marko Wolf


Journey to "Junk island"

Another day begins at a sunny riff hidden beyond human reach...

Following the call of nature, he was searching... questing for something he lost...

The warm touch of the sun was laying it's blessing on the cold morning sending it's illuminating will on the coral riff opening the gates of the day and purging the dark deeps with it's tentacles of true light....

But he couldn't find what he desires... for it was long gone...

The various kinds of fish began feeding upon the plankton swimming slowly trough the sandy ground, corals, or waiting for their pray behind cover, patiently, poisonous, with strange and mysterious eyes sending their greedy look to their feeding prey...

He couldn't give up... there had to be a way to find them... but he was just another small, weak, and unimportant fish...

But he felt that the day has come. he felt that a chance is within his reach...
He felt a bond he had forgotten... his "brothers" were out there somewhere, the small school of fish he left...

But something was not right... he felt that they were... dead.

The sun was leaving the riff allowing the swift shadow to cover the ground, and awaken the predators of the deep. The moon's weak light only improved the effect of the night, calling the creatures that it is time to hunt.

And while massive bodies stalked around, one fish left his new home, in search for the past... a fatal mistake. Here begins his journey.

Marko Wolf


Journey to "Junk island"

Day after day he has been traveling trough the deep ocean following the call of nature.

Escaping the watchful eyes of predators, blind for the beauty of the sunken ships turned into homes for colorful plants. As the sunlight flows trough the holes of the ship wreckage, life stretches its arms... The darkness pulls it's shadow calling the hunters of the night to rest in it's arms in the deep holes and caverns, where no light will ever enter their world.

Small fish started swimming trough the plans, keeping a watchful eye on the hiding tentacles of a clever predator waiting for a careless mind to walk it's path. As the light of the sun grows stronger, life spreads it's wings of freedom, calling the children of the sea to join the of the ocean.

But for one small fish, it's the beginning of another painful day. As he is getting closer to the truth, he is becoming weaker for reality. Everything is losing it's shine, everything is looking so ill and dead as he travels on continuing his faithful quest.

But that wasn't an illusion. He had entered a lifeless area. The call of nature weakened. Only a few plants were remaining, but no fish, no living fish. The water was filed with something deadly, but what could that be.

It is as small as plankton, maybe he could try to eat it, but as he was thinking, more and more of that strange substance was entering his body.

A shadow was above him, taking the suns touch off the dead ground, and stealing the remaining color of the deep and ancient sea.

It was junk, everywhere... floating and forming one massive form... all of the plankton in the water seemed to be coming from that floating giant. He started swimming at him, and suddenly... nature had left him alone, as he had found what he was looking for all of his life.

Fear, has come true...

Marko Wolf


Journey to "Junk island"- The choice

He didn't know if it was day or night while the massive junk titan was slowly moving above him, leaving it's deadly ''spores'' behind him.

His goal was accomplished, he has found the school of fish he was looking for.
Levitating like ghosts, without any movement, or sign of life... It seemed like it was night because an even bigger shadow covered the sea consuming the ground and plants in its maul of shadow.

- Just staring at some corpses wont bring them back...

The voice was everywhere, but it seemed like it was coming beneath him, from the ground, but all he could see was darkness.

-Don't be afraid, my child, i will help you...

The presence of the voice grew stronger, as the gates of the deep opened banishing the shadow and unleashing a strange light, but that one little fish was still watching his brothers.

They have disappeared... Finally looking at the light, his emotions disappeared too, feeling no inner pain, no love, no weakness. But the light didn't seem real, it was like an illusion, like a wall.

-You could help me, little one, for i offer you the power to avenge your brothers, and bring peace and freedom to nature... i know who is responsible.

The glowing of greed appeared in the eyes of the tiny fish.

- Who is responsible, what is that creature above me that is poisoning the water?

- Not only is the water poisoned... no... this entire world is INFESTED!!!

- But who is responsible?

- Hahahaha... no one.

- But, you said that someone was responsible...

- No. It isn't a creature that is killing us, there is only the suffering of nature, greed, and soon, EMPTINESS...

- But someone must be responsible, who has created this creature?

- Fool, can't you understand, no creature is capable of carrying such madness. This is a creation that was injected in the minds of the weakest of all animals.

- And who has given them the power to create it, who has given them the idea?

- EVOLUTION. It has purged them, it has improved them, more, and more, but there was a limit...

- What has happened to it?

- The chains of humanity were destroyed, and their full potential unleashed, but something gave them a goal, something has encouraged them...

- What was that?

- ME.

- What?! Why, you offered to help me, but it is your fault!

- FOOL, I am the universal mind, I AM HUMANITY, I am time, I am place, I am EVOLUTION. And, I am the revenge of nature. The ancient power of this world, it's core, has refused to accept me as a part of it! i was banned from nature, for it would never strike it's own children, no matter what happens.

- So you are the remains who inspire the humans to continue with this madness.

- I represent the human mind, but the humans them selves are blind, they can't live without me, they need me, they need my presence, my knowledge, without me, they are empty shells, servants of nature.

- Without you, they are free...


- I will try it, and so will they, our love to nature is bigger than your influence, you are an exiled emotion, you are their slave, you need them, and you fear them. Humanity will wake up one day, they will remember the call of nature, and they will once again become our brothers. And than they wont need you anymore, they will ban you too... and than... you will be... forgotten!


The gates of revenge crushed into themselves, trapping whatever was inside, and disappearing with all the justice and madness, it has deserved, one last scream escaped from the growing darkness...

#My master shall rise... he will clean the universe, and destroy the core of time... SALVATION... IS... NEAR...#

The presence has left... and so has the soul of that one, little, and brave fish... he was dead, killed by the little plankton that was inside him... but he was sent back to this world in another form, like many other brave souls who have declined the offer of the deep, they shall not rest until their brothers aren't free of the chains that are holding them... the chains... of their mind...

The gates of the deep still remain, seeking new lost travelers, to lure them into the master mind...

#The master doesn't like failure, such weakness must be severely punished.#

Marko Wolf


Demon within deadly deeps

Swimming trough the caves hidden with colorful corals and dancing kelp, a barracuda was searching for prey to feed it's unending hunger for flesh...

Small holes allowed the sun to embrace the cave's deeps with light exposing hidden holes and forcing the creatures hiding in them to travel deeper into the cave.

The barracuda continued venturing deeper into the cave, and suddenly, it was alone in darkness, nature was no longer there, only the loneliness remained, and the hunger...

Voices started speaking inside and around the fish, leading it even deeper into it's destiny, into it's choice.

#I must not fail again... my great leader shall triumph... almost ready... almost finished... but i need more... MORE...#

The voice was hidden behind the whispering walls of the cave... but the barracuda was still able to hear, and understand them... it felt a massive presence turning its concentration on the only life source remaining inside.

- Welcome my child, are you hungry? - The obsession and madness have disappeared, and nothing except the voice remained...

-Yes... where are you... who are you...

- I hunger too my son... i hunger too... how about a deal? - The voice turned into a peaceful whisper... shattering the shards of fear inside that little soul.

- What kind of deal?

- I will make you the fastest and deadliest predator, your teeth will cut trough skin as well as trough life... your unending hunger will lead you into prey, the ocean shall disappear in blood...


- But i want something from you too, but that is unimportant...

- YES, yes it is... just give it to me... - blinded by hunger and greed, the barracuda accepted any price to pay for power... but...

- Very well than... enjoy my gift...

#fool, burn in the eternal mind of madness, the master hungers too#

- Pain started flowing trough the body, evolution lost control, time was an illusion, the gift started forming it's home, than there was pain, more and more of it...

- Now go, and spread my essence and gift to your victims...

Moonlight broke the clouds falling on the bloody eyes of a newborn creature, and hunger spoke... Thousand screams entered the hunters mind... the barracuda was on sandy ground... was it a dream?

But while thinking about it, he looked above, watching a massive floating island blocking the light, and than he saw ripped parts of animals covered with fur. The remains of fish were floating around him, and than pain and hunger started blinding his mind, he lost control... again... and the last pieces of his mind were destroyed.

Following the screams of madness, a creature left the sea, searching for new pray to pull into the dead waters, while the soul within the body finally understood the failure it has done...

Marko Wolf


The final purgation

For days the ocean was peaceful and quiet... Only the colossal pile of junk was silently moving around the coast of a forgotten island... The untamed animals and primitive tribe have pulled deeper into the vegetation since the sea turned red with blood.

The tribe scouts have spotted a sinister creature emerging from the water and returning to it after a few hours carrying smaller animals and sometimes... humans.

By trying to stop the raging night stalker, a witchdoctor has traveled to the coast to summon the spirits of the sea as a final call for help. Except for the bloody sand, a massive metal construction was lying on the rocky side of the beach releasing "black water" from it's shredded "belly". The bloody path was coming from the ship and disappearing in the ocean.

After asking the gods and awaiting their answer for hours, the witchdoctor got curious about the wreckage and entered the metal beast. After finding the kitchen, he saw bottles of alcohol and had mistaken them for water...

He collected the bottles of "holy water" and carried them with him. He re entered the ship entering the store room. The smell of oil was in the air, but the primitive human fought that that was the stinking smell of the creatures belly. By looking at the crates, he ordered them to open, he even asked the gods to open them for him... but as always, nothing happened.

The sun was "falling" down. He had to return before the creature awakens.
But it was too late... the sun was gone ad darkness was spreading fear and loneliness. Bubbles escaped from the oil and junk infested water... and that strange creature came out of the oil opening the fists and releasing it's claws...

The witchdoctor started calling the gods of the sun, the air, the earth to aid him in this dark hour... but nothing happened... the creature opened its empty,deep, and hungering eyes... It's mouth opened showing different sized jaws. It was smiling... the oil was flowing over its black skin... and while the human was calling for help, the monster was coming closer.

And in that desperate situation, nature called him. Still shaking, the tribe witchdoctor took his staff and spilled the "Holly water on it. After emptying the first bottle, he took the second one and threw it at the slowly walking creature... Its smile grew bigger...

Seeing that, the doctor called for help one last time... but not the gods, he called for nature.... The demon was in front of him. And in the last second, a mighty thunder stroke from the cloudy skies opening them and hitting the humans staff. The alcohol engulfed in flames blinding the creature and forcing it to fall on the ground and guard its eyes.

Courage was growing and with one loud battle shout, the primitive, weak, but faithful witchdoctor stroke the beast with the blessing of nature... and with the fire of a chemical reaction...

A scream of hatred and madness escaped from the body of the burning demon releasing it's soul and power into the dark sky... The fire has inflamed the remaining oil and alcohol making the ocean burn...

The massive junk titan was disappearing in the flames, and one final shout of immortal hatred and madness emerged from the sea... the gates were crushed once again... but this time, the fire of courage, honor and the blessing of nature have purged the demon within... and darkness fell on the witchdoctors eyes... two last words emerged from the clean sea...


Somewhere far away from modern life, there lies a long forgotten island, in a long forgotten world, and on its beach, one human corpse was lying on the beach until a wave took it into the deep sea... ashes to ashes... dust to dust...

#Begone darkness, humanity shall be free, like i have been freed, the masters end... draws near.#

Marko Wolf


Who is driving this bus? I wanna get out!

It seems that humanity has become too smart for this world, and we need a new dump site too...

And that's why someone had a great idea... why don't we go to mars? He could become the second earth, and anyway, we really need a new place to throw things away. since we create junk including new ideas, we need to ge rid of it. But plastic takes a loot longer do disappear from the face of the earth, of the ocean.

Well, that really wasn't our fault... the ocean WAS too empty, because we really like fish. So the main problem is plastic, because the rest becomes no more because of two simple reasons:

1. it stinks, so that it can't stay too close to population/everything that stinks get's picked up by homeless dogs,cats, and often humans. And since there are billions of that kind, smelly junk is no problem...

2. things we gift to our junk addicted friend, the albatross. We made new homes for them, and since we don't need it anymore, they are perfect...

What would animals be without our great kindness to give away thing we don't need? Every day we give them more and more... and one day they will drown in our ENDLESS kindness, and junk... but where's the difference?

I mean, why should we waste precious money and water to wash and buy ceramic cuffs? Thanks to plastic, selling coffee is a lot easier.

It is always easier to destruct than to construct... One of those millionaires is creating one of the biggest woods in... hmm... i think it was England...

Too bad that it will slowly turn into a junkyard. People come, junk stays... junk leaves after some time, plastic stays for another 1000 years to enjoy the "growing landscape".

And why should we ever change, why should we think different if we can drink coffee in cheep plastic cuffs and spend our days with mans best friend, the computer.

Why should we enjoy nature and the sound of waves crushing into a distant riff while the wind carries the smell of freedom and love, when we can travel trough virtual worlds and spend a few hours on facebook and myspace. But remember, you aren't alone, the computer and your chair will always love, and seek you.

Who needs to care about the real world? There is enough junk on the internet for all of us!

Marko Wolf
